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    The role of women has two aspects in life. One is as house woman and the other one is as working woman. Both the women have different perspective in every stage of life. However, they face somewhat difficulties in life to tackle small task. The two major roles are crucial in their own way. Let’s discuss the two roles with different angles. FAMILY’S RESPONSIBILITY:      House woman can bear all the responsibility in her own manner and in her own time. She isn’t bound with time. While working woman is having tough and rough time to manage household chores as she isn’t available all the time. GOOD COOK:      It is observed that cooking skill is the first priority of house woman. She believes that food is the symbol of love and care. Whereas, 85-90% of the working woman don’t have command in cooking. LOOKAFTER THE CHILDREN:      After the birth of child, all he needs his mother’s attention, care and love. In such scena...




The word ‘anxiety’ appears in different forms and no matter where we are it revolves around us in the form of stress, fear, and nervousness. Basically, it increases its intensity when we are more attracted to our demands. Everybody is struggling in their life to have ‘bed of roses’ but it’s not smooth to chase as it sounds. Sometimes, people get in the troubled phase to have their dream of life and this causes an adverse impact on their health too. Anxiety is a state when you have fear of losing something that you love the most, a state when you burdenise yourself by thinking about things which can’t exist. However, this natural phenomenon exists in every human being in different forms and in different frequency.

    Being anxious over small and little things is not a good sign and it drives a person to overthink of certain situation. We do overthink about those situation which haven’t happened yet. Like thinking about pink elephant which of course can’t exist. To console your mind and body, you must follow certain guidelines:


    Doctors recommend adults to sleep for 8 hours daily. Improper sleep causes disturbance in work, restlessness, improper health and eating disorder. Proper sleep and anxiety both are inversely related. The more you pay attention to your sleep, the more you eliminate anxiety.


    Either you’re going for job interview or having first day at university, all you need to think about is ‘positivity’. Surround yourself with friendly environment. Besides, your body language exactly speaks what you have in your mind, make sure your mind must be colorful so it will have a fruitful impact in your attitude. Don’t overthink about those situations which are beyond your capacity to handle. It would generate no favorable outcomes rather it incites anxiety.

Now the question here is: how can one think positively when engaged in anxiety?

    Well, give yourself a certain time for exercising. The physiological changes alter your feelings, enhance your spirit and refresh your mindset. It is one of the techniques to generate positive feelings.


    Being anxious for small things is detrimental for your health. Don’t sit back quietly when you’re anxious. Seek a good mentor to guide you, talk to them about what makes you worried and discuss with them the solution.


    When you’re anxious don’t let your diet plan be disturbed. Eat more fruits especially banana which helps to reduce stress. Try to eat healthy diet containing whole grains, proteins and fibre. Avoid carbonated drinks and caffeine as it is composed of sugar which can be the reason to shoot up anxiety.

Thus, these are the tips which one can follow to fight anxiety and live a healthy life.



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